two tabby kittens playing with a cat size soccer ball on green astroturf

Best Games for Cats: Entertaining Feline Activities for Indoor Play

Importance of Play for Cats

Playing games with cats is vital for their overall health and well-being. Not only does it provide physical exercise, but it also plays a significant role in preventing obesity and maintaining their mobility. Interactive play sessions help cats to stay agile, improving their reflexes and coordination while keeping them at a healthy weight. Mental stimulation through play is essential for reducing stress and preventing behavior problems in cats. By engaging in interactive play, cats can release pent-up energy, leading to a calmer and more contented disposition. And, of course, it’s fun! After all, don’t we all want to have a good time playing games with our best friends – human or feline.

Benefits of Playing Games with Cats

Engaging in interactive play with cats offers a wide range of benefits for both the cat and the human. Cats require physical exercise to maintain a healthy weight and prevent obesity. Interactive games involving chasing, pouncing, and jumping help in keeping cats physically active and agile, contributing to their overall health and well-being.

Mental engagement through play is essential for reducing stress and preventing behavior problems in cats. It provides them with mental stimulation, preventing boredom and encouraging them to use their natural hunting and stalking skills.

Playing games with cats allows them to channel their predatory instincts in a safe and controlled environment. This not only fulfills their natural instincts but also prevents destructive behaviors that may arise from boredom and lack of mental stimulation.

red and white cat playing with a pink 
and blue ribbon toy on a beige couch

For example, interactive games such as using a fishing rod toy to simulate the movements of prey can satisfy a cat’s innate hunting drive, keeping them mentally engaged and physically active.

Bonding through interactive play sessions is crucial for strengthening the emotional connection between cats and their guardians. It fosters trust, communication, and companionship, leading to a healthier and happier relationship.

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Catnip Toys

Interactive games are a great way to keep your feline friends mentally and physically engaged. One fun option is to use catnip-infused toys, which can pique your cat’s interest and encourage them to play actively.

These toys can provide a sensory experience that stimulates your cat’s natural instincts and keeps them entertained for extended periods. By incorporating catnip-infused toys into your play sessions, you can create an enriching and enjoyable environment for your cat.

Related Post: Catnip and Cats

Video Games

Apps for cats. Yup, even your cat can have screen time. There are interactive tablet games specifically designed for cats, providing an opportunity for mental and physical activity. These games feature moving images of fish and mice that captivate cats and encourage them to swat and pounce, providing an enriching sensory experience. By incorporating these games into your cat’s playtime routine, you can offer them a novel and stimulating form of entertainment that supports their overall well-being.

We have iphones so these are available on the Apple App Store. Our favorites are:

  • Simulator Cat Fishing: Teach a Cat to Fish
  • Cat Alone
  • Cat Games for Cats
  • Cat Games – Fish, Mouse, and Laser options
  • Paint for Cats


Here’s the game for your kitties that love their springs and rattle balls and kitty crazies. Cats can learn to fetch and a cat with the right personality will love this game. Just toss the toy and let them run for it.

Take it up a level and add a launcher.

Ping Pong

You and your cat can have a lot of fun with a basic ping pong ball. Toss the ball against the wall or bounce it off the floor and see if your cat can catch it. Or throw a few into the bathtub and let Kitty make her own game.

Kitten sitting on a red chair playing with a blue and yellow ball

Go Fishing

Finally, fishing rod or wand toys are an excellent choice for engaging cats in active play and satisfying their natural hunting instincts. These toys simulate the movements of prey, triggering your cat’s hunting behavior and providing them with a dynamic and enjoyable play experience. Through these interactive games, you can bond with your cat while supporting their mental and physical health.

Hide and Seek  

A game like hide-and-seek is a useful way to build a bond with your cat. You can hide behind a couch, desk, or bed and it is a fantastic game to play indoors.The goal here is for your cat to playfully stalk you, as if you were their prey! Some cats even enjoy the hiding part and tuck themselves away somewhere while you look for them.This is a good way to connect games with excitement and mental stimulation.

gray tabby cat coming out of a blue striped tunnel toy

Puzzle Games for Cats

Puzzle games for cats are an excellent way to provide mental stimulation and engage their natural instincts. Food puzzles, for instance, are specifically designed to challenge and entertain cats by encouraging problem-solving activities. These feeders can be filled with treats or kibble, requiring the cat to figure out how to access the food, simulating the hunt for prey in the wild. Not only does this provide mental exercise, but it also helps prevent boredom and encourages physical activity as the cats work to retrieve their treats.

Related Post: Why Use Puzzle Toys

Another popular puzzle game for cats is the interactive treat ball. This type of toy dispenses treats as the cat plays with it, promoting physical activity and mental engagement. Cats are naturally curious and enjoy discovering ways to access their favorite treats, so interactive treat balls are an ideal way to keep them entertained while providing mental stimulation.

These puzzle games not only keep cats mentally sharp but also prevent obesity by encouraging physical activity and preventing overeating, making them an essential addition to a cat’s playtime routine.


In summary, games for cats are an integral part of maintaining a cat’s overall well-being and behavior. It is essential for cat guardians to prioritize interactive play as a crucial aspect of their cats’ daily routines, understanding and fulfilling their natural instincts through engaging play. Playing games for cats not only provides physical and mental stimulation but also strengthens the bond between cat and human, leading to a healthier and happier feline friend.

Furthermore, interactive play sessions are crucial for fostering a healthy relationship between cats and their humans. By engaging in interactive games, cat guardians can create a strong bond with their feline companions, contributing to a harmonious and fulfilling coexistence. This bonding experience often translates into a more affectionate and sociable cat, making the time spent with your cat even more rewarding and enjoyable.

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